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The following school districts will bus to Walnut Grove Christian School:


West Mifflin



East Allegheny

South Allegheny

Woodland Hills

Bethel Park

South Park


West Jefferson Hills


Duquesne (is bused by West Mifflin)


We make the arrangements with the bus companies and your bus company will contact you. (There is no busing for the afternoon Kindergarten students.) 

Before/After School Care


For parents that have to get to work early in the morning or need to stay late into the evening, we offer an affordable service that will meet your needs.  Our before/after school program is open to all families whose child is currently enrolled in WGCS.  Your child will have the opportunity to do homework, participate in an activity, and have a snack time!  The doors are open from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday through Friday.  



NOTE: In case of a two hour delay or early dismissal from school, your child will still be able to use this service.  However, if there is no school, there is no child care provided.  Please see tuition document for pricing.

Safety and Security


In order to provide our students with an environment conducive to safety and sound learning, the school building will have limited access during school hours.  Individuals visiting the building must first report to the main office.  Only visitors with legitimate school related business will be granted access.  No individual will have access to any classroom without prior approval of the principal.  All visitors will be required to wear a visitors badge and sign a log book upon entry.  


In order to gain access to the building, all individuals will have to be "buzzed" into the building by office personnel.  At this time, you may be asked who you are and what your purpose is for visiting.  


Both main entry doors to our building are equipped with surveillance cameras which are viewed by our office staff.


If your child is late for school, you must come into the school office and sign your child in.  If you need to take your child out of the building (during school hours) you must come into the office and sign them out.


We also conduct fire drills in the building and the bus drivers also have fire drills.

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