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Walnut Grove Christian Preschool Program

"We have a phenomenal Christian based preschool program that will give your children the tools

they need to advance into our K-5 elementary school "

Early childhood education is one of the most important things you can provide for your children! Studies show from birth to 5 years old a child's brain develops more then at any other time in life. Here at Walnut Grove we take this very seriously which is why we provide all of our students with an in depth learning, Caring, Nurturing, and Christ filled education. 

We take great pride in providing our students with an outstanding Christian education. Please take the time to read through this information, and when you are ready send us an email or give us a call to set up a personal tour of our school.

Preschool Schedule


Preschool 3 year old class: Tuesday & Thursday from 8:15 - 11:15

Preschool 3: $125 a month for 9 months

Preschool 4 year old class: Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from 8:15 - 11:15

Preschool 4: $150 a month for 9 months

Preschool 3 & 4 If before or after care is needed please check with our onsite Christian Daycare for availability.

3 Year Old Preschool


Our 3 year old class is a great introduction to preschool.  Our faith-based curriculum gives children the opportunity to learn the basic Bible stories.  Our curriculum is also focused on socialization and the basic shapes, colors, numbers, and letters.  A typical day would include: free play, circle time, arts and crafts, Bible class, music, snack time, story time, and gym class.

4 Year old Preschool  (Pre-Kindergarten)


Our transitional Kindergarten class is for children who are 4 years old by September 1st and is focused on preparing kids for Kindergarten.  We also use an advanced faith-based curriculum where children are given the opportunity to learn more Bible stories and discover how those stories apply to their lives.  The curriculum also helps children expand on what they learned the previous year such as: basic shapes, colors, numbers, and letters.  They learn personal information such as their birthday, address, and phone number, as well as skills for becoming independent and self-sufficient.  A typical day would include free play, circle time, arts and crafts, Bible class, music, snack time, story time, gym class, and chapel (once a week).  

During the school year, the children in this class will be assessed on different topics in preparation for Kindergarten.  They are: colors, shapes, rote counts to 100, identifying numbers 1-100, identifying uppercase letters, reciting the alphabet, reading their own name, writing their first name, reciting their birthday, reciting their address, reciting their phone number, reciting the days of the week, reciting the months of the year, and "snap, button, buckle, zip."

A Typical Day In Preschool At Walnut Grove



Children unpack their backpacks and place their folders in the file holder and then join their friends in free play.

Circle Time:

The teachers and children greet each other, sing songs, and talk about the schedule for the day.


We teach literacy by using a phonics based curriculum with the children in small and large groups. Lessons are taught with many different materials (picture cards, puppets, & Songs) and through a playful manner. Students will learn to identity letters, names, sounds, and some sight words. We have them learn their personal information such as: name, address, and phone number. They will also learn the days of the week, and the months of the year. We have student assessments throughout the year. 


The preschool math program will help develop mathematical concepts such as number recognition, counting skills, & one-to-one correspondence. Sorting and classifying skills,as well as creating patterns, exploring shapes, and colors are also taught to the children.


We provide a snack with apple juice. If your child is allergic or has other eating restrictions, please inform us and we will make accommodations.


This is a time for the children to play and interact freely in the classroom, gym, or the outside playground.

(weather permitting)

Story Time:

The children will listen to stories being read to them by their teacher, and then have time to "read" books on their own.


This is for the 4 year old class to help them learn to form their letters properly, and spell their name along with other words.


The 4 year old class goes to chapel every Wednesday. Our Chapel service is located in our sanctuary where one of our children pastors will provide an in depth kid friendly sermon. Our Chapel services are attended by all students preschool 4 to 6th grade and every week we rotate through the classes and have a different grade leading the service.

Gym Class:

The 4 year old class has a weekly gym class taught by our Walnut Grove gym teacher.


Parents wait outside the classroom and the teachers will dismiss each child directly to their parent. 

Preschool Room 1
Preschool Room 2
Preschool Room 3
Preschool Playground
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